While digital advertising and social media budgets steadily increase, weekend directional signs continue to deliver two-thirds of weekend traffic to new home developments.
Are these two critical elements of your marketing mix connected?
Weekend signage creates the bridge between your digital marketing and foot traffic to sales offices and model homes. Even in a housing boom, new home search and discovery is driven by your weekend directional signs (aka snipes, bootlegs, and bandits), trailer and skid signs, and more.
Here are three steps home builders can take to integrate their digital marketing and weekend sign strategies.
Most home buyers have been passively exposed to your brand through television and radio, search advertising, and social media campaigns before they begin exploring your area. These impressions are the whole point of digital marketing.
However, consumers think about commute times, good schools, and public amenities – not your brand – when they begin their physical search.
That doesn’t mean your digital marketing efforts are wasted! Branded directional signs at route origination points like freeway exits, shopping centers, and key intersections link those impressions to the start of the physical search.
It’s imperative that the branding and messaging in your sign assets align with your digital marketing campaigns.
Effective home builder digital marketing campaigns move consumers through a funnel or customer journey. The same thought process applies to well-designed weekend routes.
As you’ll see in the graphic below, the NSP Route Algorithm™ delivers your message through your weekend sign strategy by guiding home buyers through four stages of discovery.
Home builders that neglect any one step along the customer journey risk squandering the awareness they painstakingly generated through digital marketing.
Your digital marketing programs are meticulously organized and executed for cost efficiency. And, yet, many home builders focus on blunt volume – not thoughtful placement strategy – when it comes to their weekend programs.
When potential residents visit your area, they want pleasant scenery and vibrant spaces. They don’t want a visual clutter of weekend signage. In fact, a messy environment can dampen their willingness to explore further – often before they ever reach your sales office.
Are you contributing to our detracting from the visual appeal of your area?
When you organize your signage system based on strategy rather than on volume placement, you save money and keep your online leads on the path to your sales office.
If not, we can help. Learn how we help home builders like you connect your digital marketing and weekend sign strategies. Explore the NSP Route Algorithm™ now!